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  • sgoff - Sunday 17 March 2019 16:34
    Hi Everybody,

    The march walk is a circular walk from Aston in Makerfield, along lanes, footpaths, canal towpath & through part of the Sankey Valley Park back to Ashton in Makerfield(8.6 miles basically flat walk).The station at Bryn is about a mile from the start & finish of the walk,so you are looking at around 11 miles in total..

    Please meet at Manchester Victoria at 10.05am to get the 10.26am train to Wigan where we change for connection to Bryn.

    The return train from Bryn will be at 19.52pm via Wigan to Victoria arriving 20.51pm.

    There are various earlier or later trains if required.

    A wayfarer ticket will cover the journey to Bryn although as usual codgers can make their own arrangements depending on the various passes they have.

    Please confirm your availability asap.

  • sgoff - Saturday 20 October 2018 23:37
    Roy Kean joins the Owd Codgers for a walk.
  • sgoff - Saturday 20 October 2018 23:34
    Roy Keano meets Steve the Codger.
  • sgoff - Tuesday 25 September 2018 22:07
    Dear All

    This months walk is an 8/9 mile easy circular walk from West Kirby. The walk takes in the Wirral Way, Thurstaston Common and Hill, Royden Country Park, Caldy Hill and West Kirby.

    The pub(s) of the day is the West Kirby Tap. There is a Wetherspoons nearby for food not sure about a chippy.

    Travel Details Day return £16:20

    Please meet at Manchester Piccadilly at 10:15am in order to catch the 10:38am train to Liverpool Lime Street. I will meet you at the Liverpol Lime Street barriers and then escort the group to the Merseyrail station and catch the train to West Kirby

    The return train from West Kirby will be 19:31 to Liverpool Lime Street (20:03). Then catch the 20:19 back to Manchester Piccadilly 21:11.

    Can someone volunteer to lead the Manchester crew, I will meet you at Liverpool Lime Street by the barriers.

    As always the above are the suggested return journey times there are other trains / buses that you might wish to travel home on.

    Please buy a ticket that suits your own personal requirements.

    My mobile number is 07949550751 if you have any queries.

    Look forward to meeting you all on the day.

    Please confirm you attendance asap

    Cheers Alan
  • sgoff - Thursday 7 December 2017 14:38
    10th November 2017


    Present: Syd Bennett, Dave Burrows, Steve Carey, Dave Dalton, Andy Fildes, Steve Goff, Trevor Heywood, Robert Holmes, Peter Holmes, Larry Johnson, Kevin Jordan, Alan Larsen, Keith Mayoh, Kevin McDonough, Mark Nutter, Noel O’Toole, Bob Rial, Dave Whittle, Mike Whittle, Mike Worthington

    Today’s tour of Huddersfield’s finest hostelries attracted a twenty strong assembly, testament indeed to this erstwhile Yorkshire textile town’s fabled drinking establishments. Initially, upon our arrival at Huddersfield’s station, the tea-drinking triumvirate was conspicuous by its absence. It had elected to participate in a short walk in the vicinity of Huddersfield prior to rejoining the main group later in the afternoon.

    Following a short walk from the station, we soon arrived at The Corner, this being the first of six licensed premises to be visited during the day. The remaining five being: Rat and Ratchet, The Grove Inn, The Slubbers Arms, The Magic Rock Tap and The Sportsman.

    The weather had begun with bright sunshine and blue skies but as we strolled along a section of canal between hostelries, rain showers made their presence felt. Prior, to the start of our stroll along the canal, Kevin Maximus decided that it would be an opportune moment to ask us to bend our ears and savour his dulcet tones emanating from his reprise of the famous Yorkshire ditty: “The Recalcitrant Cow” *:

    “In Huddersfield in Huddersfield

    There was a cow that wouldn't yield

    The reason that she wouldn't yield

    She didn't like her udders feeled”

    Excepting his questionable choice of musical key that he chose in which to sing his ‘Ode to Codgers’, it was generally on the whole, well received.

    Our grateful thanks to Alan for his production of an insightful ale trail.

    *Of unknown origin
  • sgoff - Saturday 11 November 2017 18:58
    Dear All

    Due to the Codgers London trip this months OCOT has been moved forward to the 10th of November 2017.

    This months trip is an ale trail taking in some of the best pubs in Huddersfield.

    The Grove, The Rat and Ratchet, The Corner Mallisons Brewery Tap, The Slubbers Arms, The Magic Rock Brewery Tap and The Sportsman's. There will be 2 to 3 miles walking on hard services, distance subject to weather. There is usually street food at The Magic Rock Brewery Tap.

    Travel Details. Day return £13:40 from Manchester Stations to Huddersfield.

    If wishing to travel from Manchester Victoria. I will be on this train, may I have a volunteer to lead the Victoria crew.

    Please meet at 10:40am in order to catch the 10:57 to Huddersfield arrive 11:42am.

    If wishing to travel from Manchester Piccadilly. Can I have a volunteer to lead the Piccadilly crew.

    Please meet at 10:40am in order to catch the 10:57am to Huddersfield arrive 11:26am.

    The return trains are

    Huddersfield 19:30 arrive Manchester Piccadilly 20:05, Manchester Oxford Road 20:09.
    Huddersfield 20:02 arrive Manchester Victoria 20:33.
    Huddersfield 20:11 arrive Manchester Piccadilly 20:42
    Huddersfield 20:30 arrive Manchester Piccadilly 21:06, Manchester Oxford Road 21:10.

    As always the above are the suggested return journey times there are other trains / buses that you might wish to travel home on.

    As always please buy a ticket that suits your own personal requirements.

    My mobile number is 07949550751 if you have any queries.

    Look forward to meeting you all on the day.

    Please confirm you attendance asap



    Sent from my iPad
  • sgoff - Wednesday 18 October 2017 16:46
    O.C.O.T. Minutes

    13th October 2017


    Present: Dave Bates, Robert Brown, Steve Carey, Dave Dalton, John Farnell, Andy Fildes, Steve Goff, John Guest, Adi Hammond, Trevor Heywood, Robert Holmes, Larry Johnson, Kevin Jordan, Colin Larsen, Kevin McDonough, Mark Nutter, Noel O’Toole, Bob Rial, Elsa Sawczuk, Steve Sawczuk, Neil,Shortland, Dave Whittle, Mike Worthington

    We had scarcely begun our Cheshire circular trek as we made our way from Wilmslow station when the heavens suddenly opened and left everybody completely unprepared and scrambling for their waterproof wear. Earlier, our Wilmslow station departure had been delayed for around fifteen to thirty minutes by the inexplicable absence of our leader for the day, Robert. He eventually arrived on the platform on the far side of the station, which is designated primarily for services to the airport, accompanied by Dave Bates. Immediately upon his arrival, he was already probably harbouring instant regrets for his late arrival when later, he knew full well it would be the devil’s own job to attempt to dislodge errant members from the next hostelry who may be inclined to overstay their welcome.

    It was because of unrelenting rain during the previous weeks that had led Robert to redesign the walk today to allow for saturated fields, which we would have had to endure had we persisted with the inclusion of the villages of Mobberley and Knutsford. Today’s route would lead us from Wilmslow and take us through The Carrs and include a walk between Morley Green and Knolls Green.

    We took the opportunity of an early afternoon break at the Bird In The Hand, located in Knoll Green - a Samuel Smith’s abode. The ambient outside temperature today was forecast at around 18C, which undoubtedly explained why sheens of perspiration appeared on our faces as we entered the premises to be greeted, inexplicably, by at least three roaring log fires that had been lit in each room. For those of us whose body physiologies were completely unable to endure the oppressive environment, we beat a hasty retreat to the seating area outside the premises. The remainder of us sought sanctuary from a raised level room where the heat was surprisingly apparently unable to convect itself. Shortly after those who had seated themselves in the raised room, they observed a long table along which twenty or so senior gentlemen were seated prompting comments from our group as to what the social occasion may have been for the seated group. We learned shortly afterwards that its raison d'être for the occasion was a gathering of work retirees.

    Prior to our visit to the Bird, we’d had a brief sandwich break. After around a fifteen to twenty minute interval, several members began to volubly level complaints towards the direction of the leadership regarding the brevity of the lunch break. It was, apparently, not an isolated incident. Over the preceding months, the lunch break duration has been evolving into something akin to a running sore. One member has been specifically affected by the issue and others have from time to time: in particular, those members who have developed a penchant for processed canned fish whereby the cans’ manufacturers have possibly allowed a design flaw to emerge in the cans’ ring pull release. It has been observed that the ring has, with alarming regularity, been liable to suddenly snap off the can without warning leaving the hungry diner in something of a quandary as to how then to penetrate the can’s fishy contents in the brief time allotted for the lunch break. Perhaps it is an issue that is worthy of further consideration in the more formal surroundings of the annual general meeting?

    Following time to allow for the consumption of two pints we left the sub tropical climate of the Bird In The Hand to continue our final leg of the walk along Moss Lane and Lindow Common before returning to Wilmslow town centre.

    Shortly after our arrival in Wilmslow, a schism immediately fractured the group into three parties: those electing to make their way to the station for the return journey to Manchester, those choosing the Coach and Four, a Hyde’s hostelry and the remainder choosing the Old Dancer, a craft beer establishment. Later, several members also paid a visit to the Brewhouse and Kitchen - a pub and microbrewery.

    Some members visited the local fish and chip shop, Jackson’s, to dine inside or take away, whilst others chose to eat in the hostelries.

    All members extended their sympathies to John Nelson on learning that he has recently been afflicted by a bout of gout. The latest news is that he’s making good progress towards his recovery.

    A big thank you was extended to Robert from the group for his sterling dedication to the production of today’s walk.
  • sgoff - Saturday 14 October 2017 17:54
    Hi Dave,Please can you forward to codgers,thank you.

    Hi Everybody,

    Please find revised details for the October walk( the original walk from Knutsford to Wilmslow has been cancelled due to flooded fields & overgrown paths).

    The October walk will take place on Friday 13th October 2017- it will be a circular 8 miler from wilmslow via the Carrs, Morley Green to Knolls Green with a stop at the Bird in Hand before returning via Moss Lane & Lindow Common to Wilmslow where we will spend the evening.

    Please meet at Piccadilly at 10.25am to get the 10.46am train to Wilmslow arriving at 11.20am(I will join the train at East Didsbury). note there are lots of trains to Wilmslow going via Stockport if required.Just make sure you are at Wilmslow for 11.20am.

    There are lots of trains at regular intervals back to Manchester Piccadilly mainly via Stockport although there is an hourly train via the Airport if required.

    The return fare is £6.40p,although as usual it is recommended that each individual manages his/her own ticketing requirements, tailored to each individual's needs.

    Please confirm you attendance asap

  • sgoff - Saturday 14 October 2017 17:51
    Hi Dave,Please can you forward to codgers,thank you.

    Hi Everybody,

    The October walk will take place on Friday 13th October 2017- It will be an easy 10 mile linear walk across attractive(& mostly flat) countryside from Knutsford to Mobberley Village then crosses the main Knutsford Road & meanders across fields through part of Great Warford then on via Lindow to Wilmslow where we spend the evening.

    Please meet at Piccadilly at 10.00am to get the 10.17am train going via Stockport(arr 10.26am depart 10.30am where I will board the train) to arrive at Knutsford at 11.01am.

    The return train will be from Wilmslow- there are lots of trains at regular intervals back to Manchester Piccadilly mainly via Stockport although there is an hourly train via the Airport if required.

    As we are using two different train lines the best ticket option is a Wayfarer ticket(adults £13 or concessionary £8) which covers both destinations,although as usual it is recommended that each individual manages his/her own ticketing requirements, tailored to each individual's needs.

    Please confirm your availability asap.

  • sgoff - Monday 9 October 2017 19:13
    O.C.O.T. Minutes

    15th September 2017


    Present: Robert Brown, Dave Dalton, Andy Fildes, Steve Goff, Adi Hammond, Robert Holmes, Kevin Jordan, Alan Larsen, Colin Larsen, Barry McGuinness, John Nelson, Noel O’Toole, Bob Rial, Tony Statham, Dave Whittle, Mike Whittle, Mike Worthington

    In contrast to some of the year’s earlier walks, the weather today was near perfect for our visit to Longridge, a few miles from Preston city centre.

    The early arrival members, including your correspondent, Alan and Mike, chose to stand upon the main ramp at Preston station awaiting the remainder of the group, due to arrive imminently from Manchester. We observed an abnormally heavy police presence as we waited. We were slightly taken aback when a female constable ventured towards us to inquire where the three wise monkeys were intending to visit that day which almost caused us to vent an audible sigh of relief that it wasn’t a charge of soliciting with intent!. Thankfully too, we were free of any illicit substances or lingering scents of any previous evening’s cannabis consumption. We responded to her friendly inquiry albeit with a due sense of unease and slight paranoia and duly began to converse with her, covering such subjects as her take on working for a modern day constabulary, the state of police pensions and her opinion on the Tories’ generous relaxation of public pay awards which included amongst others, the police service. Overall, it transpired that extant police service conditions of employment are not, unsurprisingly, what they once were.

    In due course, the remaining members arrived whereupon we then headed across Preston city centre at a brisk pace, invoked by our leader Alan, to the bus stop for the service to Longridge. Upon our arrival, we set a bearing which would take us towards Longridge Fell which then led us towards Jeffrey Hill. At this point, we were optimally positioned to absorb the stunning and breathtaking views of the Bleasdale Fells and, because of our good fortune regarding the weather conditions, we had an excellent view of Yorkshire’s Three Peaks: Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. We continued onwards by descending into the Ribble Valley along field paths and bridleways to return to our starting point in Longridge.

    During the afternoon, we called in the Corporation Arms and took the opportunity of seating ourselves in the beer garden to avail ourselves of the residual sunshine before fair weather cloud began to accumulate.

    During the evening in Longridge we visited Hoppy Days and the Tap and Vent. Some members availed themselves of pub cuisine whilst others opted for a visit to the local fish and chip shop. Following ample portions of fish, pies and chips, it was time to catch the return bus service to Preston. The chip shop visitors were ideally positioned with the bus stop being sited opposite the food takeaway shop.

    The return destination was the main bus station in Preston where we then made a beeline for The Guild Ale House. Certain members were unable to avail themselves of the final hostelry because of their transport circumstances.

    Once again, our gratitude was conveyed to Alan for another magnificent production.