

Owd Codgers on Tour are a walking group from the Manchester area but as the name suggests our walks are not limited to that area. Far from it, The Codgers visit places in the UK and abroad in pursuit of the perfect walk followed by a perfect pint or two. This website aims to provide two things, firstly to give the casual browser a bit of info about our activities but secondly to try to help the Owd Codgers to organise themselves. The term “Owd Codger” or “Old Codger” has various meanings:

  • An old man, especially one who is eccentric, curmudgeonly or grotesque – read more..
  • Used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man – read more..
  • Slow moving old man esp. on the road – read more..
  • It’s also a song by The Stranglers – read more..
  • And I think rather apt..a beer by Staffordshire Brewery –  read more..

It’s also the name given to this website and might tell you a little about the make-up of our walking group.